
The Transition from Philanthropy to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Developing countries: An Analysis of Award-Winning CSR Projects in Turkey


This study aims to contribute to the CSR literature in the context of developing countries by presenting
a descriptive analysis of the award-winning CSR projects that have been carried out in Turkey. The sample of the research consists of the 28 projects awarded in three outstanding CSR contests in Turkey in 2017. The study uses content analysis as the analysis method. The analyses examine project owners’ general profiles and the projects’ orientations and organization. The findings demonstrate CSR projects in Turkey to have some characteristics consistent with the CSR literature regarding developing countries, as well as some significant differences. In this regard, while the effects of traditional philanthropy partially persist, religion, which has been identified as an indigenous factor in developing countries, has not been found in any project. Furthermore, the findings show large national and multinational companies to play active roles in the CSR field, the traditional concept of philanthropy in Turkey to have been institutionalized within the scope of CSR, and CSR to have expanded to include sustainability and strategic CSR. The study makes a contribution to the literature on CSR practices within developing countries by revealing the profile of CSR projects in Turkey and discussing the developments in CSR.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Projects Turkey Developing Countries Content Analysis