
Changing Poverty at Working Life: Working Poor


In the recent years, at the beginning of the important issues on the agenda, growing and spreading poverty comes as a problem. Despite the persistence of increasing wealth, poverty is becoming a mass issue. As the polarization of wealth and poverty increase, poverty will continue to be discussed as “method” and “management problem”. The fact that poverty is having a new character with new conditions and developments in addition to changes in different dynamics and processes, it will bring poverty to our attention. In this study, contrary to many researches, poverty has been approached through labor and wages, and working poor has been discussed. As part of spreading welfare state and its implementations in the West, when the target of full-employment is reached; the wages were satisfactory for labor. But today due to existence of more unemployment, the wages is inclined to decrease and there exists poverty in working life. Flexibility of employment with globalization, changing working conditions, falling wages, weakening of the family-kinship and solidarity as a result of individualism and as a result of an effort of state to avoid social spending, new poverty has emerged. Therefore, paradigm has been shifted in policies oriented to the new poor. In this study, departing from the defi nitions of old and new poverty, the transformation of poverty will be discussed. The nature of poverty in working life as the biggest indication of new poverty will be defi ned briefl y. It aims both to contribute to new poverty literature and to create awareness about poverty in working life.


working poor business life neo-liberal economics new poverty