The Journal of Business Ethics is a peer reviewed scientific journal published every six months, where the articles that will form its content are evaluated by academicians who are experts in their fields. For the articles sent for evaluation to be accepted, it is required that they have not been published anywhere else before. The submitted articles are first reviewed by the editorial board. If an article submitted to us meets the necessary requirements in terms of content and format, it is then reviewed for its suitability for publication.
All articles are evaluated by at least two referees and sent to a third one if it is deemed necessary. The publication of an article depends on the approval of the referees. The authors are obligated to make the necessary correction requested by the referees. The submitted works should in general be in accordance with the format specified below.
Word Count and Page Layout:
- Articles should contain 5000-8000 words, tables included. Empirical studies are expected to contain a maximum of 6000 words.
- 10-point Times New Roman font, left aligned with 1,5 line spacing, should be used.
- Normal margin spacing in MS Word processor should be used.
- No carriage return should be made at the beginning of the first paragraph after the title and other paragraphs should be formatted with carriage return indentation.
- Rules for Outlining:
- Primary headings should be bold and centered with the initials capitalized and the rest in lowercase letters.
- Secondary headings should be left aligned, bold and italicized with the initials capitalized and the rest in lowercase letters.
- Tertiary headings should be italicized and left aligned.
- Numbers should not be used in headings.
Tables and Images:
- Tables, figures, images and charts should be in right size to fit the journal page. They can be written in smaller font sizes and single-spaced if necessary.
- Tables and charts should be numbered sequentially according to their appearance in your text.
- Footnotes for the tables should be placed just below the body of the table and these should be indicated with lowercase descriptive letters.
- The use of vertical rulers should be avoided
- You should use as few tables as possible and make sure that the data presented in the tables is not identical with the results stated elsewhere in the article.
Rules for Referencing and Bibliography:
- The format used by the Journal of Business Ethics for reference is APA (American Psychology Association) Style 6th Edition. Both in citations and in the bibliography, authors should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the American Psychology Association Publication Guide published by the American Psychology Association.
- The paragraph indentation in the bibliography should be arranged in a “hanging” indent format.
The article is required to include the following sections:
- An abstract with a Turkish title and 5-8 keywords.
- An abstract with an English title and 5-8 keywords.
- In addition, the Extended English Abstract should also be added to articles written in Turkish. This extended abstract should contain 1500-2000 words and include the title, headings, abstract, keywords and all the references of the article. This section can also be sent after the article is approved for publication.
Similarity Rate
For submitted manuscripts, the similarity rate must not exceed 20%. It is mandatory to provide a similarity report from Turnitin or a similar program along with the manuscript at the time of submission. This report is required to ensure the originality of the work and compliance with academic ethical standards.
Manuscripts with a high similarity rate will not be considered for evaluation. Please ensure that your submission meets this criterion.
The full name(s) and institutional title(s) of the author(s), as well as the postal address(es), work/mobile phone numbers and e-mail address(es) of the author(s) conducting the correspondence should be stated in the “Copyright Transfer Form”. Click for the relevant form
As the first step of the publication phase, the articles must be sent through the Online Application System. A confirmation message will be automatically sent to your e-mail address immediately after the application. In the case you do not receive this message, please contact us via e-mail at
All proceedings should be tracked through the online system. Please comply with the specified instructions during these proceedings.
Turkish Journal of Business Ethics publishes articles in Turkish and English. Please write your text in good Turkish or English. Articles in Turkish must have an extended English abstract. Authors who think their Turkish and English needs copyediting may request help from Journal Secretary. Turkish Journal of Business Ethics will find somebody for this. Charges for this service belong to the Authors.