
Dehumanization as an Ethical Issue in the Health Services Sector


What is the main reason for the unethical behavior of workers in the health services sector, whose primary mission is to offer services to people and who have an ancient and strong connection with ethics. Alternatively, what is the main reason for this perception in patients, rather than the absence of such behavior? Does the dominant paradigm in the health sector, which negates the humanity of patients, facilitate unethical behavior in addition to benefits? If so, how can it be resolved? In this study, which seeks to answer these questions, the recently popular concept of dehumanization is investigated from various perspectives based on the literature on business ethics in the health services sector. In this study, a conceptual framework for dehumanization is developed, attitude and perception aspects of the concept is examined, and research methods in the business ethics domain is investigated. Furthermore, animalistic and mechanistic types of dehumanization, vertical and horizontal dimensions of dehumanization, as well as sectoral, organizational, and relational reasons for dehumanization are discussed. Finally, recommendations are proposed to eliminate the negative effects of dehumanization.


Professional Ethics Business Ethics Medical Morality Medical Ethics Health Services Dehumanization