
Prospective Teachers’ Views about Occupational Unethical Behaviours


The aim of this study is to find out prospective teachers’ views about occupational unethical behaviours. The sample of the study, which is in survey model, is composed of 525 prospective teachers studying at Dumlupınar University Education Faculty. Data were gathered via “Unethical Behaviours Scale”. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, t test and one-way variance analysis were used. According to the data gathered, it was found out that the prospective teachers attended the unethical behaviours at a high level. The participants view making discrimination between the rich and poor students as the most unethical behaviour, and tutoring outside school with wage as the least. The views of the participants, in the total score, vary depending on the variables of gender, program studied and grade. However, when the single items are considered, some differences were found depending on gender, program studied and grade variables. It can be suggested that some steps should be taken in the pre-service training period for the prospective teachers to become more sensitive to professional ethics.


unethical behaviours prospective teachers teaching profession teaching profession ethics