
Importance of Ethical Principles in Advertising and Board of Advertisement’s Function as a Method of Administrative Control


Advertising, which plays an important role in the promotion of products and services, as well as in the purchase decisions made by a target audience, aims to draw attention to a brand or organization or to address a particular thought at the same time it convinces people to act a certain way of their own accord. Advertisement aims to change the target audience’s views and habits and to also ensure they adopt a certain opinion or attitude through the message it gives. Advertisers can sometimes sponsor ads that are not in accordance with ethical principles and that are incompatible with the values of integrity and honesty; they can advocate while also sheltering these improper behaviors behind a variety of excuses. This article, in examining how important ethical principles (which advertisers can sometimes ignore) are for the advertising industry and profession, emphasizes the importance for the development of the advertising industry to advertise while abiding by ethical principles. Ads that are carried out in accordance with ethical principles increase trust in the brand and their message’s credibility. Monitoring ads that don’t comply with ethical principles or the law carries importance in terms of protecting society and individuals. In this article, the method of executive control is examined in detail from these methods of control, and the Board of Advertising’s function within this control mechanism is discussed.


Advertising Ethical principles Administrative controls Advertising law Board of Advertising