
Economy in Ethics: Economical Concerns in Ahlâk-ı Alâî


In the ages before modern social science disciplines had been established, it was not possible to encounter independent work on issues covered under economical thought; however, it was possible to visit these issues in books of various disciplines. Examples include books on ethics. Economic issues were often dealt with in these books, sometimes only scarcely and others more frequently. One of the most important examples is Kınalızâde Ali Çelebi’s work Ahlâk-ı Alâî, and, notably, its section titled İlm-i Tedbir-i Menzil (Science of Domestic Economy). Also formulating the ‘circle of justice’ that was particularly important in understanding the Ottoman mentality, this classic work discussed man’s spirituality and the house he dwells in; the structure of the family and of building a city that can be lived in; and commercial relations and the properties of the rulers’ integrity in their relations among each other. He referred to many resources of the language and literature while completing this work, and in the İlm-i Tedbir-i Menzil section, many issues, including material necessities of the family house, the fathers’ duties as lords of the house, and rules for rearing the children, are considered an integral approach in addition to the issues covered by the theory of economics today, which include the functions of money, saving, spending, etc. Supported by verses from the Koran, deeds of Muhammad, and poetry, the issues are expressed with an elaborate and literate style. To ensure that these types of classical works continue their relevance today, they shall be understood correctly when first considering their semantics and background; only then shall they shall be given a meaning that can be utilized to answer our questions of today. Our work is only an effort to provide grounds for this purpose.


Ethics Ahlâk-ı Alâî Economic Thought İlm-i Tedbir-i Menzil Kınalızâde Oikonomia