
Implicit Corruption in the Reconstruction: Privileged Privatization and Urban Rent


This study discusses the roles of public property and urban planning in the changing perception of urban rent and rent sharing processes under the current situation. The main axis of the study is the changing role of the state in the process of rent gaining rent acquisition in the urban space; and together with this, discussions around the selling sales of public property in cities, privatization and the legitimizing role of urban planning. Both the concept of rent discussed here and the rent value created by the new construction rights due to planning decisions as well as the privatization of public land are the underlying reasons of corruption in the urban spaces. Privatization in the urban space has been presented as an inevitable practice and at the end of a very rapid privatization process a new function is added to the planning concept. This new function can be seen in the increasing rent values by the urban plan changes following the privatization of public lands. In the current situation urban planning seems to have acquired another function which is facilitating the production of rent via the development plans and the creation of privileged rights of construction.


public property urban planning urban rent privatization